Sunday, October 30, 2011

Eating Disorders

Ever looked in the mirror and think of yourself as ugly or you feel as though you don't fit in with the crowd? Well, you're not the only one. Many teenagers nowadays tend to feel so insecure about themselves; most cases are because they feel that they're too fat or just way too skinny to fit into society, so they either binge or purge. Many of them suffer from depression and low self esteem. They feel as though they're so alone, so they have to do something with their bodies to impress others. But without thinking, they try to 'fit in' in the most negative way possible- by bingeing or purging. Because the statistics of eating disorders in the United States are increasing, the government should take action by requiring a class for nutrition.

The only way to to understand the effects of an eating disorder is to know how to eat normally and well. It's very important to eat three meals a day with at least 1 snack time. Regular eating habits include controlling or managing what is eaten by eating when hungry or stopping when full. People eat well for health and energy. In fact, nutritious food play a big role in an individual's life. It helps people to think clearly, to keep their moods in balance, and to help them have positive relationships with family and friends. Therefore, it's highly important for people, especially teenagers to understand that the body needs nutrients to grow, to fight diseases, and to make energy. Types of nutrients include proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. All of these play a key role in keeping the body's systems in good repair.

According to statistics made by South Carolina Department of Health, 8 million Americans suffer from an eating disorder; 7 million of them are women and the other million are men. However, the National Eating Disorder Association think that there are way more than just 8 million women. Based on research, they came up with 10 million women living in the United States have an eating disorder. Although women are higher in statistics, 10-15 percent of people with anorexia or bulimia are men. Many men disguise bulimia as 'staying in shape' and they exercise intensively as a form of purging. In some cases, an eating disorder can last up to 1 to 15 years, or even longer. 1 percent of adolescent girls develop anorexia nervosa and that is when they starve themselves to death and another 2 to 3 percent of young women develop bulimia nervosa which is when a person over eats and then vomits it all out in order to control their weight.

Anorexia usually occurs in adolescents between the ages of 10 to 18, but there's a high possibility that it can happen at any age. Anything could trigger the disease, such as an attack, school, or personal commitments that can be overwhelming. A Seattle psychologist states that some teenagers just juggle way too much, such as aiming for a 4.o grade point average, becoming prom queen, the captain for a certain sport, and being in a relationship and it's highly impossible to function at that high level all the time. Other problems such as another family's health problems, a divorce, alcoholism, drug abuse, broken friendships, or even a misguided insult could trigger the disease. People with anorexia try to handle the chaos they feel inside by taking complete control of the size and shape of their bodies. They tend to count calories obsessively, weigh themselves several times a day, and skip eating meals.

Adults normally recommend teenagers with these problems to see any healthcare professional. However, many of them don't like to talk about it unless it's beginning to show. Most teenagers would be embarrassed of the situation and if they can't talk about it with their friends or family, then they won't be able to open up to a stranger. So in order to help the problem, high schools should really require every student to take a nutrition class. That way, teenagers wouldn't need to talk about it but they'll be aware of the harmful effects of bingeing or purging. And through these nutrition classes, they'll understand the importance of eating right and the positive effects of health eating.


  1. hey mel! One strength you have in your essay is the statistics. You did a really good job with explaining more on detail of how these eating disorders happen and what percent of people have it today. One thing you could do is explain more on what SHOULD happen to prevent these disorders. (:

  2. Hi melissa,
    I think you should elaborate more on how the class would help teenagers.Maybe you could add a human face to the story to help a reader relate more to your story.You didnt explain much on how an eating disorder affects a person. also what tati said, explain what the government should do and how they should act upon creating this class on nutrition.


  3. Hi Melissa,
    Clearly done essay, with good statistics about eating disorders and young people. I agree with Tati that it needs to focus a bit more on nutrition, since that is your thesis focus. What would make nutrition classes the best solution to the problem? (that is what you are tying to prove in your essay :)
    mrs s
